
Sh Ch Meadowdale Daisydale Lightning Bolt
Bolt is the 'Breed Record holder'
for a BWT and top winning B&W in the UK
Winner of 21 CC's , 10 BOB's & 8 RCC's - Group 2 at Blackpool

Bolt wins his 17th CC at Midland ESS Club
Bolt has a fabulous day at 'The Midland English Springer Spaniel Club' Championship Show on Saturday 28th October 2023
Our judge for the day was breed specialist - Mrs Nicola Dobbin (Donarden)
Bolt wins a lovely Open dog class, and goes onto win DCC - then RBIS, BOS and Best Black & White in show
Twix also won his Junior dog class

Bolt wins his 18th CC at GBOS
Bolt has a fabulous day at 'Gundog Breeds of Scotland' Championship Show on Saturday 11th October 2023
Our judge for the day - Mrs Carole Wood, a spaniel specialist
Bolt wins a lovely Open dog class, and goes onto win DCC & BOS

Bolt wins his 19th CC at LKA
A fabulous last show of 2023 - 10th December 2023
LKA - Ladies Kennel Association
Bolt delighted me by winning his 19th CC along with 'Best of Breed'
Our judge for the day was a spaniel specialist - Mrs Linda Thorogood
This win ensured that Bolt ended the year - TOP ESS in the UK
Bolt wins the RDCC at L&C ESS
First show of 2024 - L&C ESS Championship Show
Our judge Gundog all rounder - Mr C MacKay (woodglade)
Bolt won the champions class and went onto win the RDCC and also
Best Black & White in Show
Great start to the year

Bolt wins the RDCC at Windsor

28th June 2024, Bolt, Twix and I head off to Windsor Championship Show
Such a lovely venue, with Windsor Castle as the backdrop.
Bolt had a lovely day winning the RDCC
Judge - Mr Keith Young

Bolt wins the RDCC at City of Birmingham
1st September 2024, Bolt, Twix and I head off to City of Birmingham Championship Show
Bolt had a lovely day winning the RDCC
Judge - Mrs Kirsty Ryan
Bolt wins his 20th CC at Darlington

Super day at Darlington Championship Show on Saturday 14th September 2024
Bolt wins his 20th CC
Also on the same day was the Midland ESS, where Bolt's son 'Blue' won his 3rd CC making him a Show Champion - Well done Trudy and David - Sh Ch Beresford Bolt from the Blue
Bolt wins his 21th CC at Manchester 2025

Great start to 2025, Manchester Championship Show, held at Stafford on 16th January 2025.
Our judge was a breed specialist Mrs Jacky Mitchell (Peasblossom)
Bolt wins his 21st CC & BOB
Bolt wins his 16th CC at Darlington

Friday 15th September 2023, I head to Darlington Champ Show, with Bolt & Twix
Twix wins the Junior class, his first time in Junior
Bolt wins the Open dog class, and goes onto win the DCC & BOS
Bolt wins his 15th CC at National Gundog
Sunday 6th August 2023, I take Bolt & Twix (his son) to National Gundog Championship Show
Delighted when Bolt won the Open dog class, then went onto win the DCC
His son Twix won the Puppy Dog Class and was declared 'Best Puppy Dog'

Bolt wins his 14th CC and Best In Show

What a FAB day
15th July 2023, was the Southern ESS Championship Show
Our judge for the day was Mrs Edith Rose, a breed specialist
Bolt won the Open Dog class, going onto win the DCC, in very good company
Then challenging he bitch for Best In Show - thrilled when he won it!!!
Also declared best Black & White in Show as well as BIS
Bolt wins his 13th DCC, BOB and Group 2 at Blackpool

Wow, what a day at Blackpool on 24th June 2023 - and very hot!
Bolt wins his 13th CC and BOB under breed specialist Teresa Dunsdon (Seaspring)
Then goes onto win Gundog Group 2 under Brian Limpus

Bolt wins the RDCC at ESS of Wales

26th May 2023, delighted when Bolt wins the RDCC at the ESS Club of Wales Championship Show
Our judge - Mrs Trudy Topliss (Beresford)
Bolt wins his 12th CC & BOB at WELKS
Bolt wins his 11th CC & BIS at L&C ESS Club Show

Bolt is now the Uk's TOP winning BWT
WELKS Champ Show on 30th April 2023
Our judge Mrs Bev Nicholson (Kingsheath)
Winning the Open Dog Class
Awarded Bolt DCC and BOB
Delighted to be shortlisted in the super gundog group

What a way to start 2023
Lancs & Cheshire Club Championship Show
on 21st January 2023
Judge - Mrs Yvonne Billows (Robil)
A truly wonderful day for Bolt and me
First up he wins the Champions Class,
then in the challenge he wins the DCC
Later when challenging the Bitch CC winner,
he is declared
Winning beautiful rosettes and sashes as it was the clubs 40th anniversary show

Bolt wins his 10th CC at LKA

FAB end to 2022, showing Bolt at LKA (Ladies Kennel Association) on 11th December 2022
Bolt wins the Open Dog class, then takes the DCC
Many thanks to breed specialist Mrs Jackie Weyman
Bringing Bolts tally to 10 CC's, so proud of our Black Tri boy

Bolt wins his 9th CC at
Gundog breeds of Scotland

A fabulous trip to Scotland for a double show
Friday we had Gundog Breeds of Scotland our judge Mr Chris Laverty, and he awards Bolt his ninth CC
Saturday it was Scottish Kennel Club show, our judge Mrs Dianne Stewart-Richie, she awarded Bolt the RDCC
So a super weekend winning well at both shows

Bolt wins his 8th CC at Bournemouth
Well he does it again
Bolt wins the DCC at Bournemouth Champ Show on Sunday 14th August 2022
This time we have an overseas judge - Mr E Engh
It was rather hot, the ground was hard and grass no existant!
Bolt performed well, so proud of him winning his 8th CC
Bolt wins his 7th CC at Northern ESS
Another FAB day, this time at the Northern English Springer Spaniel Club Championship Show
Our judge was breed specialist Mrs Caroline Bowles-Robinson (Baldragon)
Bolt wins the Champion Class, then goes onto win DCC and BOS, along with Best B&W in Show

Bolt wins CC at Leeds, no 6
Following on from winning at Windsor a week ago, Bolt has a fabulous day at Leeds Championship Show, where he again wins the CC & BOB
Not the nicest days for weather, rather wet and windy, so not the best photos!
Today our judge was Mr R Morris, a gundog specialist
Bolt wins his 4th CC at LKA
The last show of 2021 is LKA held at the NEC on 11th December 2021
Showing Bolt and Storm, but a tad difficult as they are both now in the Open Class
Thank you to Lavinia for handling Storm for me, and gaining a 3rd place
But the super star of the day is BOLT, winning the CC & BOB
A huge thank you to our judge Mrs Jane Cule

Bolt wins his 5th CC at Windsor
Not shown for a while, lovely to be back out and about this time at Windsor, beautiful setting right in front of Windsor Castle
Today our judge was Mrs Di Arrowsmith, a gundog specialist
Delighted when Bolt won the Open Class, and goes onto win the DCC and then
Best of Breed
Our first show in 16 months was at Southern Counties Championship Show on 27th June 2021
Breed judge - Mrs Kelly Jenkinson - Eastriding
Showing Bolt & Storm
Bolt was the star of the day, winning the DCC and then taking 'Best of Breed' (Video is of the BOB challenge)
Also being shortlisted in the group under Mr Frank Kane
Below, photo of Bolt DCC
Best Puppy (middle) is a son of Bolt - Beresford Bolt from the blue
Best Junior (far right) is a daughter of Bolt - Peasblossom Zoya
Bolt wins RDCC at National Gundog
A lovely day at National Gundog on 1st August 2021, Bolt wins the RDCC
A weekend in Scotland and we bring home a Show Champion

Sunday 3rd October 2021 at FAB day
Scottish Kennel Club under judge Mr K S Wilberg, Bolt wins his 2nd CC
Monday 4th October 2021 at Border Union Champ Show, under breed specialist Ms Sandy Hall, Bolt wins his 3rd and Crowning CC
OMG - He is now a Show Champion

Our Black/White & Tan boy 'Bolt' has delighted us by having a super puppy showing career, if cut short by Covid 19! Only attending 4 shows
Winning Best Puppy Dog at his first Championship Show - LKA (Dec 2019)
Winning Best Puppy Dog' at Manchester Champ Show (Jan 2020)
One better at the Southern ESS Championship Show, where he won - 'Best Puppy In Show' (Feb 2020)
And his final show before lockdown - CRUFTS (March 2020), again winning 'Best Puppy In Breed' - See video of Bolt in action at Crufts 2020
Available at stud, fresh, frozen and chilled semen (proven sire)
Photo Gallery for Bolt
use the arrows to navigate,and click to enlarge
Health test results
Hip Score - 3 - 4 = 7
DNA Fuco - Clear
DNA PFK - Clear
DNA PRA Cord 1 - Carrier
DNA AMS - Clear
DNA DAMS - Clear
Eye tested Clear as at 12/1/2025
Glaucoma - 1
DNA Profiled
Pedigree for Bolt
Below is a photographic pedigree. You will find photos of the dogs in the above pedigree (hover your mouse over the large photo for pedigree names)
It has been done in columns, so starting with the parents, then grandparents etc....
More to follow.....